We have developed a range of Continent Ostomy Management devices that aim to offer ostomates not only better control over stool evacuation but also the confidence to live freely and enjoy every bit of life without any hassle and compromise. Our two flagship continent products Crimson Stoma Cap and Leona are intended for Colostomy and Ileostomy users respectively.
Reach out to us for demo and ordering a sample. Know more

Continent | Pouchless | Safe
Crimson Stoma Cap is intended for left colostomates. The device can simply be attached to a base plate/wafer and can be replaced every 15 days or earlier. The novel stoma cap allows to live a life without constantly wearing a pouch and also help perform things in your life which otherwise were so difficult to imagine such as participating in sports like swimming, cricket, skiing, hiking, tennis and the list goes on..
It also helps bring back confidence, you can mingle with anyone, go on a date or social gatherings, enjoy your intimate moments like never before.
Continent | Pouchless | Safe
Continent - Full Control over stool release
Pouch-less - Live upto 28 days without pouch
Safe & Secure- Protects stoma from injury

Leona is intended for both Colostomates and Ileostomates. Leona is an insertable device and can be used upto 28 days before requiring change. Leona prevents stool to come in contact with the skin and hence reduces incidence of skin damage.
Leona is completely pouch-less with an integrated continent system that allows you to live a life without requiring to wear an adhesive backed pouch. Leona is fully water proof and can safely be worn while bathing, swimming etc. You can freely enjoy rains, showers and swim in public without a sense of fear.
Live large with full control over your bowel evacuation. Release stool as and when needed with a simple rotation of a dial.
No More
Skin Excoriation
Freedom from all your skin issues associated with leaky bags. No more stool leaks and damaged skin!
Hanging Pouches!
Not Anymore
Get rid of pouches hanging from the abdomen. Choose crimson continent products to live a pouch-less life.